Search Google or Type a URL: What Should You Do?

Manas Swain Manas Swain/ Updated: Jul 18, 2024
9 min read

Thanks to Omnibox — Google’s address bar — anyone can easily type in either a specific web address or search terms to find what they’re looking for!

However, very often, you might find yourself questioning whether to search Google or type a URL directly into the browser. Well, each method serves a unique purpose and offers different benefits depending on what you’re trying to achieve.

On one hand, searching on Google allows you to explore a variety of results related to your query. Typing a URL, on the other hand, takes you straight to a specific website. 

But, which one is the better option? So, to find out, let’s delve into the details— 

What’s the Difference Between Search Google or Type A URL?

Understanding the differences between ‘search Google or type a URL’ and when to use which method can significantly enhance your browsing efficiency and overall experience. 

While, searching on Google involves entering keywords or phrases into the search engine to see a list of relevant websites and information. This method is useful when you’re looking for a range of information or are unsure of the exact website you need to visit.

For example; Let’s suppose you’re a business owner looking to update your website design in 2024. You can search on Google to find articles, tools, and best practices related to best web design trends in this year.

Typing a URL, means entering the exact web address of a site directly into the browser’s address bar. This takes you straight to the specific site where you want to go, without the need for a search. 

For example; If you know a specific website that covers the latest trends in web design tools, you can directly access it through its URL without needing to search every time.

How to Search Google?

To perform a search on Google, you need to enter your query into the search bar and Enter. Google will then provide a list of results that match your search query. To be precise, here’s how you can search on Google—

  • Step 1: Open your web browser, enter ‘’ in the address bar and press Enter to go to Google’s homepage.
    Enter google com in the address bar and press Enter
  • Step 2: Then, locate the search bar at the center of the Google homepage. 
    On Googles homepage locate the Search bar
  • Step 3: After that, either open a new tab and click on it, or start typing your query directly into the search bar.
    Type your query into the search bar

Tip: You can use specific keywords related to your search to refine your query. Being concise and clear in your search terms helps to get better results.

  • Step 4: Upon entering your query, press Enter or click the Google Search icon to initiate the search to navigate to the search results page.
    Press Enter or click the Google Search icon to initiate the search

The search result page’s top section typically features ads followed by organic search results, each displaying a title, link, and brief description.

  • Step 5: Now, click on a search result to visit the entire page or full article
    Click on a search result you want to visit

Tip: To return to the search results, use the browser’s back arrow.


You can also utilize filters or advanced search queries to narrow down your search results (if needed).

How to Type a URL?

Typing a URL requires you to know the exact web address. Then, you’ve got to either paste or type it into the address bar of your browser and hit Enter to go directly to the website. Here’s the step-by-step process you need to follow—

  • Step 1: Open your web browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari.
  • Step 2: Then, locate the address bar at the top of the browser window (displaying the current URL of the webpage).
    Locate the address bar at the top of the browser window
  • Step 3: After that, click or tap on the address bar to activate it.
  • Step 4: Now, in the address bar, type the complete URL of the website you wish to visit. 
    Tap on the address bar and type the complete URL of the website

Tip: Make sure to include either ‘http://’ or ‘https://’ for a secure connection. For example, ‘’.

  • Step 5: Once you’ve entered the URL, press Enter on your keyboard or tap the arrow icon next to the address bar to proceed to the specific website you want to visit.
    Press Enter to visit the specific Website you want to visit

Which Option Is Best for You: Search Or Type Web Address? 

Choosing between searching on Google and typing a URL depends on your needs and requirements. 

Searching on Google is useful when:Typing a web address is useful when:
You’re looking for a variety of sources or different perspectives on a topic.You know the exact website you want to visit.
You’re unsure of the exact website that might contain the information you require.You want to avoid visiting phishing sites and stay safe while browsing.
You want to compare options or gather more information from various sources.You want to save time and go straight to a specific website rather than browsing other similar options.

To be precise — if you’re looking for a variety of information or are unsure of the exact site you need to visit, then searching on Google is the best option. For example; you want to find out the best SEO monitoring tools to use in 2024 for SEO Monitoring. It allows you to explore different sources, compare information, and discover new websites.

However, if you already know the exact website you want to visit, then typing the URL directly into the address bar is the right option for you to choose. It saves time and takes you straight to the site without sifting through search results.

So, both methods are valuable and can be used depending on your web browsing needs, whether it’s for detailed research, quick access to known sites, or discovering new information.

How Can Using ‘Search Google or Type a URL’ Tool Enhance Your Searching Experience?

If you use both of these methods effectively, they can significantly improve your web browsing experience.

Well, because, “searching on Google” is useful for research, shopping, comparisons, and staying updated on the latest news. Using this method, you can discover new information, compare different viewpoints, and find a variety of resources on a topic. 

Typing a URL, meanwhile, is ideal for accessing your favorite sites, online accounts, or specific resources you already know. Using this method allows for quick access to your destination site, platform, or resource.

So, whether you’re seeking complete information about something or quick access to specific websites you already know, mastering Omnibox’s techniques ensures you can navigate the web efficiently.

Bonus: What Are the Advanced Ways to Search on Google?

If you’re thinking that these two are the only methods, then you’re mistaken! Google offers several other advanced ways that can help you refine your search results and find information more effectively. Wondering what are they? See the list below—

  • Autocomplete Suggestions: These Autocomplete suggestions appear when you start typing a query. They are based on your recent and frequently searched topics. Autocomplete suggestions can provide you with quick access to popular searches and help you refine your query for more relevant results.
  • Voice Search: With Voice Search feature, you can verbally make queries on any device, including laptops, mobile phones, tablets, etc. It can be used via the microphone icon next to the search bar. As you click on the microphone icon and say your query, Google processes your voice input and makes sure to deliver accurate results for your query.
  • Search Filters: Google’s search tools also allow you to filter search results by time (e.g., past hours and past years), type (e.g., images, videos, news), and more. These filters can help you find the most relevant and up-to-date information.
  • Search Commands: Learning specific search commands like define:, weather:, and stocks:, allows you to quickly get definitions, check weather forecasts, or get stock market information directly from Google’s search bar.

Tip: You can also adjust search settings in Google Search preferences, such as language preferences, SafeSearch filters, and location settings. This can help you further customize your search experiences.

So, mastering these advanced search methods and techniques can together help you enhance your ability to find precise and accurate information quickly and efficiently using Google.

Wrapping Up!

That’s all. Hopefully, this article has helped you understand the purposes and benefits of both methods and guide you on how to use them effectively. 

Knowing when to search on Google and when to type a URL can enhance your browsing efficiency and experience. 

Each method has its own advantages, and using them appropriately can save time and help you easily find the information you’re looking for!

Frequently Asked Questions
What do you mean by the ‘Search Google or Type a URL’ tool?

The ‘Search Google or Type a URL’ tool, also called Omnibox, allows you to either enter search terms to find information on Google or enter a specific web address to go directly to a website.

What are the uses of the Omnibox feature in Chrome?

The Omnibox in Chrome combines the address bar and search bar, allowing you to search Google, enter URLs, perform calculations, and more, all from one place.

What is the difference between search Google and type URL?

The key difference between searching Google and typing URL is simply that— ‘searching Google’ provides a wide range of results related to your query, giving you multiple options to explore. While ‘typing a URL’ takes you directly to a specific website.

How can you search for a specific word or phrase in Google?

To search for a specific word or phrase in Google, type the word or phrase into the search bar and press Enter. After that, Google will show you results related to your query.

What is the use of the address bar in Chrome?

The address bar in Chrome is used to enter the web address (URL) of a specific website. It’s a faster way to navigate directly to that website.

How can you enhance your website’s visibility on Google?

To enhance your website’s visibility on Google, you can use SEO techniques such as optimizing keywords, creating high-quality content, and building backlinks.

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